Our Event
April 21 – April 30
New World with Renewable Energy
This spring, Isparta will use its energy more than ever!
Today, nature friendly renewable energy sources are some of the greatest hopes of mankind to overcome environmental problems that our planet is facing right now.Every year, all countries endeavor to make our planet greener and more environmentally friendly, by planting more and more renewable energy power plants each day such as solar panels, geothermal power plants, etc.Well, would you like to learn how these renewable energy plants work together and how they can generate electricity?
Like Einstein said ”Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” by taking part in this amazing course in Isparta, you will learn how to turn the energy obtained throughout the day into the party energy throughout the night.
If you are prepared to meet crazy people from all corners of Europe and if you are prepared to live our legendary soul then we challenge the laws of physics and we will be waiting for you to produce energy with us! Years later, when you will hear about Isparta you will have lots of memories to share, lots of friends from around the world, lots of knowledge gain about our culture and traditions.
About Us
BEST, Board of European Students of Technology is a constantly growing non-profit and non-political organisation. Since 1989 we provide communication, co-operation and exchange possibilities for students all over Europe.
Develop yourself by attending one of the many BEST courses. Any season of the year!